Rosh Chodesh Yoga: Kislev

To welcome the new month of Kislev, our winter month, we are joined from the Old City of Jerusalem by Jenna Zadaka for our monthly new moon yoga session.Kislev is the month when Channukah begins - a dark time of the year when we add a little bit of light, then a little more and a little more each night. In honour of Kislev, this yoga practice weaves postures that mimic the flame of a candle, bringing both body and soul towards greater vitality and elevation. We set the intention of illuminating the world’s darkness this month. And we begin with the breath and the body, and then with our minds and actions. Kislev is known to be a month centered around sleep or rest, and it is sometimes called the "dreamers month." Most of the dreams mentioned in the Torah are read during this month. So, while the month is dark, it is also full of rest that rejuvenates, miracles that inspire and of growing light.So join us, to warm up your body, light your inner fire- as Jenna combines Jewish teachings with the South Asian embodied spiritual practice of Yoga. All of you are welcome, regardless of your background or level, abilities. Listen to your body and let this month's video be a gentle guide and resource.Chodesh Tov!


Episode 54: What Would You Do?


Giving Away our Power