Let God Explain

Let God Explain

Human beings throughout history have committed acts of unspeakable evil. In addition, natural disasters have killed untold millions; babies and children have suffered terrible illness and deformity. For the religious believer, there is a component of agonizing perplexity, why would God would create a world which is then seemingly abandoned to fate?

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A Voice for the Silenced

A Voice for the Silenced

As Holocaust Remembrance Day and Israel Independence Day approach, Dr. Elliot Malamet discusses the importance of these holidays as they remind us of the past. In this blog, he discusses why with each passing year our memory of the holocaust is weakened and what we can do to ensure that we continue to give a voice to those who were robbed of speech in the Holocaust.

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Go Quiet or Go Public?

Go Quiet or Go Public?

Why would a man invite the wrath of an empire, risking death and devastation to descend on his entire people? Is it so important to hold fast to your principles when the result may be catastrophic? Shouldn’t war be avoided when you are outmatched and outgunned? Why stand firm, and provoke the apocalypse? Read this week's blog post by Dr. Elliot Malamet to discover how he answers these questions.

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Chanuka and the Spinning of Fate

Chanuka and the Spinning of Fate

The dilemma of Chanuka is how to stand out proudly as a Jew in a world where, at times that might be a precarious undertaking. Our Judaism does not require a neon sign, but it also not something to obscure or keep sequestered indoors. May the light of Chnauka shine in our hearts, and then radiate outwards into the rest of our lives and our world.

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Baseball, Ice Cream and Fixing a Broken World

In Elliot Malamets latest blog he discusses the “Law of Triviality,” which asserted that the amount of time spent discussing an issue within an organization ran in inverse proportion to its actual importance. When the world is shuddering under the press of weightier matters we choose to talk about trivial things instead of discussing the important issues due to lack of understanding.

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Blogs Blogs


Much of contemporary life is organized around making us desire things we do not need. How do we break the cycle of false desire and its twin sister, incessant complaining? There are two key steps, renunciation and gratitude. In this blog Dr. Malamet discusses how we can break the cycle and be grateful for all that we have.

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Life is Elsewhere? The Israel of Fantasy and Reality.

Life is Elsewhere? The Israel of Fantasy and Reality.

In the imagination of many people, Israel engenders hypersized fantasies, where each day respresents—depending on your point of view--the potential for violence and bravery and heroism; a haven from persecution or a fresh start for Jewish dreamers; Start-Up Nation mixed with spiritual elation; brutal occupation and ethnic discrimination.

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